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قائمة مقاطع الفيديو

التقرير الذي رفعه بان كيمون لمجلس الامن حول الصحراء الغربية قبل قليل كاملا 2

19 Apr 2016 : 05:14 تعليقات: 2 مشاهدات: 
منشور من طرف Yennayri
VIII. Financial aspects
84. The General Assembly, by its resolution 69/305, appropriated the amount of $51.1
million for the maintenance of MINURSO for the period from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016.
My proposed budget in the amount of $54.3 million for the maintenance of the Mission for
the period[/HTML]
VIII. Financial aspects
84. The General Assembly, by its resolution 69/305, appropriated the amount of $51.1
million for the maintenance of MINURSO for the period from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016.
My proposed budget in the amount of $54.3 million for the maintenance of the Mission for
the period from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 (A/70/696) has been submitted to the Assembly
for consideration during the second part of its resumed seventieth session. It shall be noted
that proposed requirements are based upon the prevailing mandate and scope of the Mission.
85. As at 31 March 2016, unpaid assessed contributions to the Special Account amounted
to $47.9 million. The total outstanding assessed contributions for all peacekeeping operations
at the same date announced to $2,593.6 million.
86. Reimbursement of troop costs has been made for the period up to 31 July 2014.
During the period from 1 July to 31 December 2015, partial payments have been made for the
reimbursement of the costs of contingent-owned equipment covering a six months period.
IX - Observations and recommendations
87. Given the lack of progress toward a resolution of the dispute over the status of Western
Sahara, which has not changed since my last report, the efforts of the United Nations through the
work of my Personal Envoy, of MINURSO, and of the agencies present on the ground remain
highly relevant.
88. The frustrations I witnessed among Western Saharans, coupled with the expansion of
criminal and extremist networks in the Sahel-Sahara region, present increased risks for the
stability and security of all the countries of this region. A settlement of the Western Sahara
conflict would mitigate these potential risks and promote regional cooperation in the face of
common threats and regional integration to bolster economic opportunity.
89. As I urged during my visit to the region, it is crucial to make progress soonest to address
the tragic humanitarian situation that has lasted for far too long. In this connection, I continue to
note with regret that the political process that began in April 2007 has not yet opened the way to
the genuine negotiations for which the Council and I have repeatedly called.
90. The fundamental difficulty is that each party comes to the table with a different vision.
Morocco considers that Western Sahara is already part of Morocco, that the only basis for
negotiations is its initiative for autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty, and that Algeria must be
a party to those negotiations. The Polisario Front considers that the definitive status of Western
Sahara remains to be determined, that the final word must be that of the autochthonous
population through a referendum with independence as an option, that all proposals and ideas
that the parties put forward should be on the table, and that the only parties to the negotiation are
the Polisario Front and Morocco.
91. The time has come to engage in serious negotiations without preconditions and in good
faith to reach "a mutually acceptable political solution, which will provide for the selfdetermination
of the people of Western Sahara". This political solution must include resolution
of the dispute over the status of Western Sahara, including through agreement on the nature and
form of the exercise of self-determination. The negotiations must be open to the two parties'
proposals and ideas. Algeria and Mauritania, as neighbouring countries, can and should make
important contributions to this process. To this end, I have requested my Personal Envoy to
redouble his efforts to make progress.
92. It is recalled that the Security Council established MINURSO to monitor the ceasefire
between the parties, to maintain the military status quo, and, subject to the agreement of the
parties, to organize a referendum of self-determination. The Security Council confirmed the
Mission's political functions in resolution 1056 (1996) and subsequent resolutions extending the
mandate. As with any United Nations peacekeeping operation, MINURSO is responsible for
reporting to the Secretariat, the Security Council, and the Personal Envoy on local developments
affecting or relating to the situation in its area of operation, including the maintenance of the
ceasefire and political and security conditions affecting the peace process that my Personal
Envoy facilitates.
93. Without a suitable and fully staffed international civilian component, the Mission cannot
fulfil a core component of its functions and will thus fail to meet the Security Council's
expectations. At the time of writing, the expulsion of most of the MINURSO's international
civilian component has essentially resulted in the de facto alteration of the mandate of
MINURSO, a development that can be expected to be exploited by terrorist and radical
elements. Even with a limited presence of international civilian support personnel, military
activities will not be sustainable in the medium to long-term, as the military and civilian
components of the mission go hand-in-hand. The military personnel create a conducive situation
on the ground to allow the political process to move forward, and all rely on civilian support to
function as required. Beyond the acute operational consequences created by this situation, the
continued inability of the Mission to execute its mandated tasks is in itself not sustainable and
would entail, in the short to middle-term, significant implications for the stability of the region as
well as for the credibility of the Security Council and United Nations peacekeeping operations
and political missions globally.
94. I am very deeply concerned that the security environment in MINURSO's area of
operation is likely to continue to deteriorate and will further compound the existing limitations
placed on the Mission's ceasefire monitoring activities. Prior to the current crisis, MINURSO
had been working to update its logistical and security arrangements to adjust and anticipate these
evolving conditions; it is doing so with limited resources and capabilities. I recommend that, as a
first step, and pending a thorough assessment of the Mission's support requirements, the Security
Council approve the deployment of 14 additional military medical personnel as explained in
para. 37.
95. I call on the Security Council to restore and support the mandated role of MINURSO,
uphold peacekeeping standards and the impartiality of the United Nations, and, most
importantly, avoid setting a precedent for United Nations peacekeeping operations around the
world. The Mission's presence and successful operation is critical to ensuring the parties'
observation of the ceasefire, as a mechanism to support the implementation of successive
Security Council resolutions, and as a visible representation of the international community's
commitment to achieving a resolution to the conflict. As broad engagement across sectors and
communities is essential for any peacekeeping mission, I hope in particular that the remaining
limitations on MINURSO's "free interaction with all interlocutors", as cited in every Security
Council resolution since 2012, will be removed.
96. The risk of a rupture of the ceasefire and a resumption of hostilities, with its attendant
danger of escalation into full-scale war, will grow significantly in the event that MINURSO is
forced to depart or finds itself unable to execute the mandate that the Security Council has set.
In this context, and in light of the continuing efforts of my Personal Envoy, and the continuing
importance of MINURSO, I recommend that the Security Council extend the mandate of
MINURSO for a further 12 months, until 30 April 2017.
97. As I witnessed during my recent visit to the refugee camps near Tindouf, I note with great
concern the chronic lack of funding to the refugee programme and the deteriorating
humanitarian situation, which has been further compounded by the torrential rains and
flooding in late 2015. Although this exceptional natural disaster brought new attention to the
plight of the Western Saharan refugees, once the initial momentum fades away, donor fatigue
and diminishing humanitarian budgets are likely to continue to be a major challenge in
providing humanitarian assistance.
98. I urge the international community to continue its support and to increase funding to this
vital humanitarian programme. To that end, I am pleased to note that UNHCR is convening a
donors' briefing and call upon donor countries to fully support UNHCR and its partners'
efforts and initiatives with the aim of obtaining more funding for this refugee situation,
bearing in mind that it is the most protracted such situation that UNHCR is mandated to
address. I also reiterate my call for continued consideration of registration in the refugee
camps near Tindouf and invite efforts in this regard.
99. I remain concerned by the continued suspension of the CBM programme because it is
heart-breaking to see families separated for so long. I encourage the parties to engage in further
dialogue with the UNHCR on the resumption of this important humanitarian programme for the
Western Saharan population.
100. Addressing all human rights protection gaps and underlying human rights issues remains
vital in situations of protracted conflict such as in Western Sahara. Human rights do not have
borders. All stakeholders are obliged to uphold the human rights of all people. I therefore urge
the parties to respect and promote human rights, including by addressing outstanding human
rights gaps and enhancing their cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights and the various United Nations human rights mechanisms.
101. I commend the parties' cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights during its missions to Western Sahara and the refugee camps in
2015. I also take note Morocco's invitations to and cooperation with the special procedures
mandate holders of the Human Rights Council. I welcome confirmation that the CNDH has been
designated as the independent National Preventive Mechanism, as envisaged in the Optional
Protocol to the Convention against Torture and urge completion of the legislative formalities
required to complete the process. I also welcome the Polisario Front's expressed readiness to
cooperate with OHCHR, as well as its positive amendment of the jurisdiction of the 'military
court' in the refugee camps.
102. I urge further engagement with regard to the human rights situation in Western Sahara
and the refugee camps, including by supporting human rights entities operating there and by
augmenting the provision of humanitarian aid in the camps. Given ongoing reports of human
rights violations, it is necessary to sustain an independent and impartial understanding of the
human rights situation in both Western Sahara and the camps, through regular cooperation with
OHCHR and other human rights bodies with the objective of ensuring protection of all. This
should contribute to full and effective implementation of international human rights law and
standards by the parties. This would also contribute to creating an environment conducive to
making progress in the negotiating process.
103. In light of continued interest in the exploration and exploitation of the natural resources
of Western Sahara, I reiterate my call on all relevant actors to "recognize the principle that the
interests of the inhabitants of these territories are paramount", in accordance with Chapter XI,
Article 73 of the Charter of the United Nations.
104. When all is said and done, however, what I want to emphasize most strongly is that the
conflict over Western Sahara and the attendant, truly heart-wrenching, human suffering must
come to an end for the well-being of the Western Saharans and for the stability and security of
the North African region and beyond. In 2007, the Security Council asked the parties to
negotiate a solution, and they have been unable to do so despite the passage of nine years. It is
more urgent than ever for the parties to engage in genuine dialogue, and for the international
community to lend all assistance in this regard.
105. In conclusion, I wish to extend my sincere thanks to my Personal Envoy for
Western Sahara, Christopher Ross, for his repeated and tireless engagement with the parties
and neighboring States in our collective efforts to resolve this conflict. Similarly, I am very
grateful to Kim Bolduc, my Special Representative in Western Sahara and head of MINURSO
for her exemplary leadership. Both of these committed international officials have my total
support and appreciation for the work they have been carrying out in the most difficult of
political circumstances. In addition, I would also like to thank Major General Tayyab Azam as
well as his predecessor Major General Edy Mulyono, for their able and dedicated service for
M1NURSO. Finally, I also thank the men and women of MINURSO for their work to fulfil the
Mission's mandate in difficult conditions.
Tags: None



2 تعليقات


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